A common question is what to do with the problems in thewaterproofing and insulation of the roof.
This issue makes many owners of single-family houses and penthouses worry about the frequent problems they face in their daily living (mold - moisture - water leaks - cold, etc.) from poorly insulated orcompletely uninsulated their roof(the largest percentage of buildings in Greece have this issue).
In this serious matter,solutionsthere are many and with alternative cost possibilities for the expenditure that will be required for thedefinitive solution to the problem.
But let's look at the various separate cases one by one:
Wooden tile roof (roof)
A)The most traditional solution forinsulation of the roofs, is the construction on the slabwooden tile roof. It is a solution that definitively addresses its problemwaterproofing and waterproofing. Along with the use of modern thermal insulation materials (XPS FIBRAN – stone wool – graphitic polystyreneetc) additional and excellent thermal insulation is ensured.
OR ceramic roofit gives a very nice appearance to the building, combined with the many color options of the roof tiles. After all, thedifferent types of tiles(Roman - Dutch - French - Swedish - ceramic plain or enameled etc) with the wide variety of shapes and colors they have, satisfy every customer's desire. THEgood quality of timberwhich will be used for the construction of the roof as well as its proper storage in a covered storage area, are dominant prerequisites for the long life of a roof as well as to avoid tightness problems and damages after a few years.
As you know, wood is a natural product. Whenthe wood should be taken care of in its production and in its proper storage, πάντα σε στεγασμένες αποθήκες, η διάρκεια ζωής του ξύλου είναι πολύ μεγάλη. Αντίθετα αν η ξυλεία δεν μπει με τάξη σε στεγασμένη αποθήκη αλλά παραμένει στο ύπαιθρο, ασκέπαστη ή πρόχειρα σκεπασμένη με νάϋλον κ.λ.π, η ξυλεία είναι προβληματική καθώς όλο το χειμώνα βρέχεται και είναι γεμάτη υγρασία με αποτέλεσμα η ξυλεία να υποβαθμίζεται και να αναπτύσσονται μύκητες, σαράκι κ.λ.π. Τα προβλήματα στην ξυλεία που είναι αποθηκευμένη στο ύπαιθρο ή με πλημμελή στέγαση, επιδεινώνονται μετά τις χειμωνιάτικες βροχές, όταν φτιάχνει ο καιρός την άνοιξη και το καλοκαίρι γιατί ενώ η ξυλεία είναι υγρή, με την ζέστη και την έκθεση στον ήλιο τα ξύλα μαυρίζουν – ανάβουν -πετσικάρουν κ.λ.π.
Even in the summer, the storage of wood in the open air affects it adversely (cracks - warping, etc. reducing its strength). This also applies tothe impregnated timber. In other words, this timber is problematic because it is timber with clearly reduced strength and lifespan. That is why we must be very careful with the wood that will be used for roof construction, both in terms of its quality and origin, as well as in its proper storage.
A roofwith good quality timber, goodquality tiles, the requiredheat insulation materials, the appropriate oneswaterproofing membranes, good construction by the craftsman with the corresponding slopes and the required aluminum gutters, is the best solutionwaterproofing, thermal insulation and waterproofingof a plate.
The type oftiles(ceramic or cement tiles), their color and shape (Roman - Dutch, etc.) is clearly influenced by whether the house is in a mountainous - semi-mountainous or lowland area. In the mountains, ice-resistant tiles are used (cement tiles or glazed tiles).
Of course, before the construction of the roof, the additional weight added to the building by the roof should be taken into account. It is essential that a discussion be held with your engineer prior to construction regarding the added weight issue, particularly in older buildings.
B)The additional weight is due to the weight of the tiles and the tile cores (caps) as well as the cement slurry used to bond the cores (mud). Theweight of the tiles είναι περίπου 50 kg ανά τετραγωνικό μέτρο. Το βάρος των κορφιάδων είναι περίπου 15 kg ανά τρέχων μέτρο. Αν λοιπόν το κτίριο είναι παλαιάς κατασκευής και δεν επιτραπεί από τον μηχανικό η τοποθέτηση κεραμιδιών, υπάρχει η επιλογή να χρησιμοποιηθούν ασφαλτικά κεραμίδια τα οποία είναι κατά πολύ ελαφρύτερα των κλασσικών κεραμιδιών.
By using bituminous tiles, an additional lower weight is achieved because no tile caps (caps) are used, nor is the building burdened with the weight of the mud. Theasphalt tiles έχουν κορφιάδες ίδιους με τα ασφαλτικά κεραμίδια οι οποίοι συγκολλούνται με ειδική κόλλα (χωρίς λάσπωμα). Επίσης όταν στην στέγη χρησιμοποιηθούν ασφαλτικά κεραμίδια χρειάζονται μικρότερες ποσότητες ξυλείας, άρα υπάρχει και από εκεί εξοικονόμηση βάρους λόγω μικρότερων διατομών της χρησιμοποιημένης ξυλείας.
the asphalt tiles έχουν μεγάλη διάρκεια ζωής και αντέχουν στους πάγους και στα χιόνια των ορεινών περιοχών. Είναι κατάλληλα για κάθε περιοχή (πεδινή – ορεινή – παραθαλάσσια κ.λ.π) και υπάρχουν σε ποικιλία χρωμάτων και σχεδίων (ορθογώνιο – κυκλικό – λέπι κ.λ.π). Τα ασφαλτικά κεραμίδια είναι ευρύτατα διαδεδομένα στην κεντρική και βόρεια Ευρώπη, στον Καναδά, στις ΗΠΑ, στην Ιταλία κλπ. και είναι ασφαλής λύση στέγασης.
C)As an alternative to the above, the roof can be used instead of tilesmetal polyurethane roof panels. These panels have a metal surface with a trapezoidal or Roman tile pattern. Internally they have polyurethane foam and on their underside they have white painted sheet metal with a rabbet pattern (it is visible). Their outer surface is usually tile-colored.
However, it is possible to order in other gray - beige, etc. RAL colors. Their useful width is1.00 meterand their length in the trapezoidal panels is the exact length desired by the customer.
in Roman tile panels υπάρχει πολύ μεγάλη ποικιλία σε μήκη. Το βάρος των πάνελ είναι σαφώς μικρότερο από το βάρος των κεραμιδιών. Τα πάνελ είναι κατάλληλα για ορεινές περιοχές γιατί αντέχουν στον πάγο. Είναι, όμως, εντελώς ακατάλληλα για παραθαλάσσιες περιοχές διότι υπάρχει ο κίνδυνος της οξείδωσης από την θάλασσα. Παρότι η λαμαρίνα των πάνελ είναι γαλβανισμένη και εν συνεχεία βαμμένη σε διάφορα χρώματα (διπλή βαφή), η επίδραση της θάλασσας είναι αναπόφευκτο να δημιουργήσει ζημιές με την πάροδο του χρόνου. Γι αυτό καλό θα είναι να do not use near the sea.
The panels are produced in various thicknesses of 3 - 4 - 5 cm etc. The thickness of the panels we will use is certainly related to the location of the house (altitude). We must take into account that the panels can be produced in long lengths and haveone-piece surfaces, without joints in our roof.
Panels are by no means a cheap solution. It is completely unprofitable to use panels onfour-pitched and multi-pitched roofsdue to the large damages that exist with the cuts (bevel). Of course, the paneled roof will use wood of smaller dimensions and in smaller quantities, so there will also be weight savings from the wood.
D)For the complete protection of the timber that will be used in the roof you will build, it would be good to pass all the timber, boards, sheathing, etc. withwood preservatives.
There are many types of wood preservatives and many quality categories and grades. Top company withquality wood preservativesisBONDEX. She is known to everyoneBONDEX MATT – WOOD PROTECTION(impregnation varnish – fungicides, etc.). It is the most branded and recognized series in colored and colorless shades.
Slab waterproofing
After cleaning, wash carefully andcheck the plate, the parapets that usually exist around the perimeter of the slab are also checked, so that they are not loose (they are being repaired). Then they must be rubbed and treated with a corrosion inhibitor, any irons, pillars waiting, etc. It is necessary to check if the slab has slopes.
In the event that the slopes are not correct and stagnant water remains on the slab, drains must be constructed so that the water can escapein the gutters (υπάρχουν πολλά υλικά για την κατασκευή ρύσεων). Αν τυχόν η πλάκα παρουσιάζει σαθρότητα, ή έχουν εμφανιστεί τα σίδερα της πλάκας, ή τρίβει η επιφάνειά της, ή έχει ρωγμές, είναι απαραίτητο πριν την κατασκευή ρύσεων να προηγηθεί επισκευή της πλάκας με τα ανάλογα υλικά (επισκευαστικό τσιμέντο, αναστολέα διάβρωσης, ρητίνες, ειδικά αστάρια κλπ, κλπ.).
So as long as the plate is in good condition or the required repair has been done and there are cracks, we can proceed towaterproofingherin the following ways:
A) Manner
We definitely have fun withspecial sealing powder(with the addition of water and emulsion – latex) two arms crossed. We apply the first coat with water while the plate is wet, in order for it to penetrate the capillary cracks and close them.
We cross the second coat while the first coat has dried. The special sealing mortar is also used for sealing water tanks and iscementitiousbasis.
Once dry, paint the plate withasphalt emulsion (for water vapor barrier). The next day, we pass the slab with bituminous varnish (so that the bituminous cloth can then be stuck with a torch).
The next day, we glue the asphalt cloths we have chosen with a torch. We choose the type and quality of the asphalt according to whether the house is in a mountainous - semi-mountainous - lowland or coastal area. We choose herquality needed, the type and thickness of the tarmacrequired for the insulation to be safe. The asphalt sheets have an aluminum surface, a mosaic (grey - white - red) talc or are plain.
It is of great importance that the technician completely and diligently adheres the asphalt cloth and the correct treatment of its joints in order to make it correctwaterproofing. The craftsman will pay particular attention to the insulation of the base of any solar water heaters, antennas, etc. objects located on the slab.
Of course, if there are parapets, the tarpaulin must turn and cover part of the parapets at the points that touch the slab at a height of 30-60 cm, or as much as possible.
After gluing the asphalt sheets, the joints between them as well as every other edge or gap of the asphalt sheets (on parapets, etc.) are sealed by applying bituminous mastic.
Usually, before installing the asphalt sheets, we place ventilators with lids on the slab where they are needed (for ventilation).
B) Manner
We definitely have fun withspecial sealing powder(with the addition of water and emulsion – latex) two arms crossed.
We apply the first coat with water while the plate is wet, in order for it to penetrate the capillary cracks and close them. We cross the second coat while the first coat has dried. The special sealing mortar is also used for sealing water tanks and iscementitiousbasis.
The procedure is as follows:
This is the method applied in most cases of waterproofing because it is not expensive, creates excellent waterproofing, has a lifetime and additionally offers reflective insulation in the summer.
It does not burden our building with extra weight, the roof remains accessible and the waterproofing paint with an insulator is easily repairable after years, even if there is some damage from other work or damage from any reason.
Its cost is very favorable and its construction time is very short
Waterproofing and thermal insulation of slab
Inverted insulation and waterproofing
a)The plate is carefully cleaned and washed.
b)The slab and parapets (if any) are checked for looseness, cracks or other damage.
c)Any loose or rubbing spots on the parapets are cleaned and repaired. Any cracks that are present are repaired.
d)The plate is checked if it rubs, if it has holes, cracks or irons of the plate are visible. In case of damage, they are repaired with epoxy resins, repair cement, corrosion inhibitor, high penetration primer, pastes, etc.
e)Any iron deposits present are rubbed off and painted with a corrosion inhibitor. Any plate irons that are visible are sanded and painted with corrosion inhibitor-epoxy resins, etc.
f)It is necessary to pass the plate with a special waterproofing mortar (with the addition of water and emulsion - latex) two hands crossed.
We apply the first coat with water while the plate is wet, in order for it to penetrate the capillary cracks and close them. We cross the second coat while the first coat has dried. The special sealing mortar is also used for sealing water tanks and iscementitiousbasis.
g)Then with a special polystyrene welding glue, we glue onto our plate, (FIBRAN) extruded polystyrene XPS plates of thickness 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 cm, etc., depending on the altitude at which our house is located and the thermal insulation we wish to have (mountain- beaches etc).
the)After they are stuckthe XPS FIBRAN boards in our slab, επάνω τους κατασκευάζουμε τις ρύσεις. Προκειμένου να μην επιβαρυνθεί με μεγάλο βάρος η οικοδομή, χρησιμοποιούμε περλομπετόν με προσθήκη κατά την ανάμιξή του στην μπετονιέρα ινών πολυπροπυλενίου και ειδικό latex γαλάκτωμα κονιαμάτων. Έτσι εξασφαλίζεται μεγάλης αντοχής και ποιότητας υπόστρωμα και με σημαντικά μικρό βάρος.
i)On top of the pearl concrete substrate, as soon as it has driedtwo alternative possibilitiesto complete construction.
A) Manner
This is the method applied in most cases of waterproofing because it is not expensive, creates excellent waterproofing, has a lifetime and additionally offers reflective insulation in the summer.
It does not burden our building with extra weight, the roof remains accessible and the waterproofing paint with an insulator is easily repairable after years, even if there is some damage from other work or damage from any reason.
Its cost is very favorable and its construction time is very short.
B) Manner
Paint the slab with asphalt emulsion (for a water vapor barrier).
The next day, we cover the slab with bituminous varnish.
Την επόμενη ημέρα κολλάμε με φλόγιστρο τα ασφαλτόπανα που έχουμε επιλέξει. Τον τύπο και την ποιότητα του ασφαλτόπανου τον επιλέγουμε ανάλογα αν η οικία είναι σε ορεινή – ημιορεινή – πεδινή ή παραθαλάσσια περιοχή. Επιλέγουμε την ποιότητα που χρειάζεται, τον τύπο και το πάχος ασφαλτόπανου που απαιτείται για να είναι ασφαλής η μόνωση.
The asphalt sheets have an aluminum surface, mosaic (gray-white-red) talc or are plain. It is of great importance that the technician completely and diligently adheres the asphalt cloth and the correct treatment of its joints in order toproper waterproofing.
The craftsman will pay particular attention to the insulation of the base of any solar water heaters, antennas, etc. objects located on the slab.
Of course if there are parapets, the tarpaulin must turn and cover part of the parapets at the points that touch the slab at a height of 30-60cm, or as much as possible.
After gluing the asphalt sheets, the joints as well as any other edge or gap of the asphalt sheets (on the parapets, etc.) are sealed with a smearbituminous mastic.
Usually, before installing the asphalt sheets, we place ventilators with lids on the slab where they are needed (for ventilation).
Given that it has been donewaterproofing / waterproofingwhich we mentioned in previous chapters and only as a more economical solution but with a clearly shorter lifespan and if there are cracks in the slab, alternatively if the roof is not passable and usable, we can cover theextruded polystyrene FIBRAN XPSwhich is attached to the slab with breathable membrane and pebbles. This solution has the disadvantage of heavy weight and is avoided in old buildings.
Στην περίπτωση που επιθυμούμε η πλάκα μας να είναι συνεχώς χρησιμοποιήσιμη και έχουμε επιλέξει για αισθητικούς λόγους η τελική επιφάνειά της να έχει πλακάκια, η διαδικασία κατασκευής είναι ίδια με την μέθοδο του ασφαλτόπανου που προαναφέρουμε. Φυσικά στην περίπτωση επίστρωσης της τελικής επιφάνειας με πλακάκια, επιλέγουμε το ασφαλτόπανο με ψηφίδα ώστε να είναι απόλυτα ασφαλής η συγκόλληση των πλακιδίων επάνω στο ασφαλτόπανο.
The use of a special adhesive is necessary to bond the tiles to the asphaltTHRACE tile adhesivewith elasticity and necessary good quality tile grout for grouting. THETHRACE epoxy grouttwo-component is a completely safe solution. Of course, there should also be the corresponding expansion joints if the surface of the slab to be tiled is large.
Η λύση αυτή δεν συνιστάται γιατί έχει υπερβολικό κόστος και μεγάλο βάρος. Σε περίπτωση που η οικοδομή είναι παλαιά, καλό θα είναι να αποφεύγεται η τοποθέτηση πλακιδίων γιατί το βάρος που επιβαρύνεται η οικοδομή είναι υπερβολικά μεγάλο. Για την λύση αυτή απαραίτητο είναι είτε σε παλαιά οικοδομή είτε σε καινούργια, να υπάρχει η σύμφωνη γνώμη μηχανικού.
Inverted roof thermal insulation with XPS TILES (Tiles with insulation).
the XPS TILES are extruded polystyrene5-8 cm thick with a coating of cement mortar or ceramic tile, dimensions 30 X 30, 30 X 60 etc.). It is a low-weight solution (about 44 kg/m2) suitable for old buildings. It is quick, easy and light construction that ensures thermal insulation. Of course, it is necessary to have waterproofing and slopes.
In order to existwaterproofing (waterproofing) of the plate, the manufacturing process is the one mentioned in the previous chapterplate waterproofing. You should take into account that thewaterproofing, thermal insulation and waterproofing of terracesis an expenditure that is eligible and subsidized by the programs "SAVING PER HOUSEHOLD".
Its advantagesthermal insulation - waterproofing of the roof είναι πάρα πολλά και εκτός από την καλή και υγιεινή διαβίωση προσφέρουν και μεγάλη εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας χειμώνα και καλοκαίρι. Η δαπάνη για την κατασκευή της υγρομόνωσης – θερμομόνωσης ταράτσας έχει γρήγορη απόσβεση λόγω της σοβαρής εξοικονόμησης ενέργειας που έχουμε. Φυσικά δεν πρέπει να αγνοήσουμε ότι με την θερμομόνωση και μόνωση της ταράτσας μας με οποιονδήποτε από τους παραπάνω τρόπους, εξαλείφονται όλα τα επιβαρυντικά για την υγεία μας φαινόμενα όπως η υγρασία, η μούχλα κλπ. κλπ.
The materials for roof insulation, thermal insulation and waterproofing of wooden tile roofs, insulating tiles etc. as well as external thermal facade etc. are delivered to your home withour crane trucks in the prefecture of Achaia - Korinthia etc.
For the rest of Greece, Aegean-Ionian islands, etc., they can be delivered to your agency. For other areas of mainland Greece it is done with our crane trucks after consultation with the customer.