the Decforfloors and for outdoor fencing, are now the main and very popular choice of consumers.
Τα πλεονεκτήματά τους είναι πολλά, καθώς η αισθητική τους είναι ανυπέρβλητη σε σχέση με άλλα ανταγωνιστικά προϊόντα. Η ομορφιά τους καθώς και η μεγάλη αντοχή τους, επηρεάζουν αποφασιστικά την τελική άποψη πολλών αγοραστών, οι οποίοι πλέον κατευθύνονται σε μεγάλο ποσοστό προς την επιλογή και αγορά των ντεκ.
Undoubtedly, there is no aesthetic comparison between an outdoor floor that is made with concrete slabs or tiles, etc., in relation to a floor that has been used with a deck made of either solid wood (realwood) or wpc, i.e. synthetic deck.
Also, the aesthetic superiority of a fence made fromsynthetic wpc deck or solid wood deckin relation to any other fence constructed with ironwork or masonry built with plaster or cement blocks, concrete, bricks, ytong etc.

The constant preference of customers for the use of decks concerns all kinds of constructions that are carried out both in residences and in professional spaces. Deck boards are widely used in both classic and minimal constructions.
Availability in solid wood NEK boards
Deck boards made of solid natural timber are available in our company,in many different types of wood, with long lengths as well as with a variety of dimensions.
You can alternatively choose between different types of wood (coniferous and tropical) such as:
as well as many other decks made from many other species, mostly tropical woods.
Due to the international economic instability of the last 2 – 3 years, there are often long delays and shortages, especially in certain tropical timber decks.
Deck boards made of solid wood (real wood) are mainly usedin constructions that are made:
In addition to the nobility and warmth offered by the decks, their durability and very long life in outdoor conditions with increased humidity, make solid decks the ideal choice for any professional or domestic use.
We see the widespread use of solid deck boards in many catering establishments (cafes - bars - restaurants, etc.) in hotel units, in residential complexes, in main private residences, in rental apartments, in country houses, etc.
Τα μασίφ ξύλινα ντεκ είναι κατάλληλα τόσο για παραθαλάσσιες και αστικές περιοχές, όσο και για ορεινές περιοχές. Οι σανίδες ντεκ από μασίφ ξύλο διατίθενται είτε με επιφάνεια χτένι – ραβδώσεις είτε και με επιφάνεια λεία. Οι σανίδες με χτένι, δηλαδή αυτές που έχουν επιφάνεια με ραβδώσεις, έχουν μηδενική ολισθηρότητα και γι αυτό προτιμούνται.

Decks must always be placed on theproper infrastructure, according to the rules of the technique and by craftsmen with knowledge and experience, in order to achieve a quality result.
Not only the excellent quality of solid wood deck boards and their proper storage in covered storage areas offered by our company is not enough, but for their maximum life span, their diligent maintenance at regular intervals is necessary.
In our company there are ready-to-deliver all the appropriate impregnation varnishes, wood preservatives, etc. wood protection items that will be required over time, in order to carry out the safe maintenance of the decks.
Είναι τεράστιο λάθος να αγνοηθεί η συντήρηση των ντέκ. Αυτό ισχύει για κάθε είδους ντεκ από μασίφ ξύλο. Ισχύει ακόμα και για τα πιο ακριβά ντεκ. Σε όλα τα μασίφ ξύλινα ντεκ, ανεξάρτητα από είδος του μασίφ ξύλου, είναι απαραίτητη μετά από μερικά χρόνια η προστασία τους και η συντήρησή τους. Με τον τρόπο αυτό, εξασφαλίζεται η μεγάλη διάρκεια ζωής τους και επεκτείνεται χρονικά η καλαίσθητη εμφάνισή τους.
In the Mediterranean climate,Swedish pine wood (REDWOOD)in the form of impregnated deck boards, it has been used for many years and has shown excellent resistance. Swedish timber is the best pine timber in Europe, with great strength, because all its forests are in the northernmost part of Europe within the arctic circle.
Timber is produced therehigh mechanical strength in bending and crushingandlow water absorptionfrom rationally harvested and renewable forests, in accordance with all existing international certifications. Thesolid deck They are natural productproduced byreal wood and is an ecological product.
WPC (synthetic wood) deck boards
In our company there are wpc decks, suitable for outdoor floors as well as outdoor fences. wpc decks are synthetic wood produced industrially and consist of a mixture of 60% wood, 30% resins and 10% various additives.
The wpc deck boards have at least on one side the ridges, i.e. non-slip comb. They have both sides visible.
The advantages of wpc decking are:
Some wpc decks are in the form of imitation wood, some others are embossed in solid color, and some wpc are colored in gray, brown, white, etc.
Our company has a wide variety of wpc decks, which are suitable for both flooring and fencing, as well as outdoor railings.
In our company we have a wide variety of wpc decks in many shades, reliefs, wood imitations, monochrome etc. in many widths and standard lengths.

There are modern colors such as light and dark gray, light and dark brown, white, oak, olive, etc. wpc synthetic decks have the same or similar uses as solid wood decks. Several times, they are chosen as an alternative to the constructions we mentioned above for solid wood decks (real wood).
Θα πρέπει να είναι ενημερωμένοι οι υποψήφιοι αγοραστές των συνθετικών ντεκ wpc, ότι τα ντεκ wpc που προορίζονται για δάπεδα, κατά τους καλοκαιρινούς μήνες και όταν περπατάμε επάνω στο wpc ντεκ με γυμνά πόδια, αισθανόμαστε σαφώς μεγαλύτερη θερμότητα σε σχέση με αυτή που αισθανόμαστε όταν πατάμε επάνω σε οποιοδήποτε ντεκ από φυσικό μασίφ ξύλο. Τα ντεκ από μασίφ ξύλο είναι σαφώς δροσερότερα γιατί είναι προϊόν από φυσικό ξύλο.
This is self-evident and is perceived by everyone, as it is one moremain advantage of solid natural wood decksin relation tosynthetic wpc decking. It is therefore no coincidence that solid wood decking is mainly chosen for floors around the swimming pools of hotels and rental homes, as well as in high-end spaces.
This is also due to the continuous and extensive use, for many hours and by many people, of the floors surrounding the pool, where most people usually walk with bare feet.
It should also be understood by all that wpc synthetic decks are necessary and must be regularly cleaned and maintained.
There are special products for wpc decks that are strong, effective and suitable for cleaning, removing stains, scale, dirt, oil, grease etc. This is especially necessary on installed wpc deck floors.
It is therefore imperative that synthetic wpc decks are maintained at regular intervals, because this way, among other things, prevents the reappearance of dirt, etc. There are instructions for the safe cleaning of wpc decks with special cleaning products.

It is considered completely harmful to use, on wpc decks, some chemicals as well as various household cleaners, which can discolor it or cause damage to it.
Ready-made deck tiles made of solid wood OR WPC
In recent years, the use of ready-made solid wood floor tiles that used to exist, with their installation in yards and gardens with soil, lawns, etc., has been largely stopped.
Ready-made wooden tiles are usually 30x30 in size and consist of at least 5-6 pieces of solid wood, impregnated or natural (i.e. narrow planks) in the form of usually ribbed decking or in some cases with a smooth surface.
These boards, which are parallel and firmly placed, have an open joint of about 1.0 cm between them and work as a single unit forming the finished 30X30 wooden tile.
The same ready-made tile of dimensions 30X30 made in exactly the same way but with 4 pieces of wpc synthetic deck in each tile, available in gray, brown, etc.
The wooden tile 30X30 50X50 etc, due to its flexibility and easy installation, because it steps directly and directly on the ground, gives us the possibility to create corridors with patterns in our yard by ourselves, placing it in a straight line or in opposite directions, etc.
For the maintenance and protection of the solid wood deck tile, the same applies as we mentioned above for solid wood deck boards. Also for wpc synthetic deck tiles everything we have mentioned about the maintenance of wpc synthetic deck boards applies.
In our company, all the necessary quality materials are available for the correct installation and support of the solid wooden deck boards, as well as the synthetic wpc deck boards, both for floors and for fences, etc.
We also have all the necessary special deck screws, torx screws, metal screws, riveted screws, plastic screws, metal support angles, connectors and other items available.