The program "I SAVE MYSELF» includes, among many other interventions, its thermal insulationexisting roofin the residence.
The thermal insulation of the roof that is already built in a house is an eligible expense of the program. TheI SAVE MYSELFsubsidizes with a large percentage that reaches up to 70% the cost of its thermal insulationexistingroof of a house.
The use of suitable thermal insulation materials,for roof or ceiling insulationand their correct placement is an essential intervention, which contributes decisively to the energy saving of the building.
Of course, it is necessary to use all suitable and certified materials that meet the requirements of the program (both in terms ofcoefficient thermal resistance R)as well as to the rest of the product specifications.
OR thermal insulation can be doneeither on the roof or the ceilingof the residence.Depending on the way the roof of a house is constructed, the best and technically most applicable solution can be chosen for its thermal insulation.
Σύμφωνα με το σχέδιο της στέγης, ανάλογα με τις κλίσεις που έχει (δίρριχτη, τρίριχτη, τετράριχτη κλπ), τον τρόπο κατασκευής της, την παλαιότητά της, τη δυνατότητα πρόσβασης στο εσωτερικό του ταβανιού κλπ παράγοντες, ο πελάτης μπορεί να επιτύχει την επιδιωκόμενη θερμομόνωση που προβλέπει το πρόγραμμα, κάνοντας τις εργασίες της θερμομόνωσης είτε στο ταβάνι είτε στη στέγη with an equivalent result.
The materials that can be selectedfor the thermal insulation of the existing roof of a house are:
XPS extruded polystyrene FIBRAN
It is available in our company in thicknesses of 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 8cm, 10cm, etc. The usual dimensions of XPS extruded polystyrene are 250X60, 250X30, 125X60, etc.

From our company there ispossibility of cutsστα φύλλα της εξηλασμένης πολυστερίνης XPS στις επιθυμητές διαστάσεις. Οι θερμομονωτικές πλάκες FIBRAN XPS είναι ελαφριές, σκληρές και αδιάβροχες πλάκες που προσφέρουν άριστη θερμομόνωση με μικρό βάρος. Έχουν συντελεστή θερμικής αγωγιμότητας λ= 0,033 στα πάχη έως και 6cm και λ= 0,034 στα πάχη άνω των 6cm. Ο συντελεστής θερμικής αντίστασης Rvaries with XPS thickness, fromR= 0.90 in the thickness of 3cm, up toR= 2.90 in the thickness of 10cm.
The white expanded polystyreneEPS
White expanded polystyreneEPS 80 – EPS 100 – EPS 120 – EPS 150 – EPS 200is available in our company in thickness2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 8cm, 9cm, 10cm, 12cm etc. We have it ready for delivery in many dimensions such as 100X50, 100X60, 250X60, 250X30 etc.
The coefficient of thermal conductivity λ varies from λ= 0.045 in EPS 30, to λ= 0.033 in EPS 200. The coefficient of thermal resistanceRvaries depending on the thickness of the EPS sheets.

The most common option for thermal insulation using white expanded polystyrene is inthickness 7cm EPS80 with rateR=1.90. Another indicative choice of white expanded polystyrene is in 5cm thickness EPS 80 with coefficient R= 1.35.
Of course, there is a great possibility of many other options in the thicknesses of the white expanded polystyrene EPS with the naturally similar coefficientR, always in accordance with the requirements of the SAVE – AUTONOMY program.
The graphic expanded polystyreneEPS GRAPHITE
Graphite expanded polystyreneEPS 80 – EPS 100 – EPS 120 – EPS 150 – EPS 200is available in our company, in thicknesses of 2cm, 3cm, 5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 8cm, 9cm, 10cm, 12cm etc.
The coefficient of thermal conductivity λ varies from λ= 0.031 in EPS 60 GRAPHITE, to λ= 0.029 in EPS 200 GRAPHITE. The coefficient of thermal resistanceRvaries depending on the thickness of the EPS GRAPHITE.

A common choice of graphitic polystyrene is inthickness 6cm EPS 80 GRAPHITE with coefficient R=2.00. Another indicative option is 3cm thick EPS 80 GRAPHITE with coefficient R= 1.00.
Both in white and in graphic formexpanded polystyrene EPS we can, upon special order, deliver any thickness and in anydimensionrequired by our customer (special dimensions).
Mineral woolECOSE KNAUF.
Non-combustible natural material, with non-flammability class A1. Product that provides heat insulation, sound insulation and fire protection.
Look for the following alternatives:

1. Mineral wool typeTR 116in platesdimensions 135X60 thick5cm NATURBOARD 037 with thermal conductivity coefficient λ=0.037 w/mk and thermal resistance coefficient R=1.35.
Other available thicknesses are 45 – 75 – 100 mm.
2. Mineral wool typeULTRACOUSTICin 120X60 45mm thick plates with thermal conductivity coefficient λ= 0.037 w/mk and thermal resistance coefficient R=1.22.
Other available thicknesses are 60 – 70 – 80 – 100 mm.
3. It is also available in a wide variety of mineral wool and in rolls - quilts of various types in many thicknesses.
4. Mineral woolECOSE KNAUF with natural aluminum coatingin roll type TI 312 RA EARTHWOOL ALU 040. Each roll (quilt) is 18m2 and the thickness of the mineral wool is 50mm.
The coefficient of thermal conductivity λ= 0.040 w/mk and the coefficient of thermal resistance R=1.25. Reaction to fire: EUROCLASS C- S1 d0. Another available thickness is 80 mm.
Natural inorganic fibrous insulating material with recognized thermal and sound insulating properties and excellent behavior in fire (non-combustible material A1with high fire resistance).
It offers excellent breathability and is a product friendly to the user and the environment. It is produced from mineral rocks and is an ecological product. It is a sound-absorbing product, with acoustic properties.

Available in 120x60 sheets and in rolls (quilt). It exists in many thicknesses and with many densities (that is, with weight per cubic meter).
Commercially, the most common rockwool thicknesses are 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 8cm, 10cm, 12cm etc., and the most mobile densities are 30kg/m3 40kg/m3 50kg/m3 75kg/m3 100kg/m3 etc.
The most popular types of stone wool are4cm thick with a weight of 40kg/m3, the 5cm thickness weighing 50kg/m3, the 3cm thickness with a weight of 50kg/m3,the5cm thick with a weight of 75kg/m3 etc.
The coefficient of thermal conductivity in most rockwool products is λ= 0.033 and λ= 0.034 and the coefficient of thermal resistance R varies according to the thickness of the rockwool. For example, fromR = 0.90at 3cm thick, up toR= 3.60in the thickness of 12cm.
Rockwool is also available with a coating of reinforced aluminum, fiberglass, etc., for some more specialized uses.
Special stone wool productsKNAUF
A typical stone wool product for specialized use is rock woolKNAUF chimeneawith coatingaluminum with a total thickness of 3cm,in 100X60 plates.

This product has a high resistance to class A1 fire and to high temperatures. It has coefficient λ=0.035 and coefficient R=0.86. The use of rock woolchimeneait is mainly in the fireplaces, the hearths, as well as the chimneys that pass internally through the roof and ceiling of the residence.
Other products for roof and ceiling repair.
You should take into account that our company has ready-made supplies, in addition to thermal insulation products, and all the necessary materials that may be needed to repair the roof or ceiling of your home.

Such products are:
- Asphalt and breathable waterproofing membranes
- Impregnated wood and European white wood (slats, planks, planks, half-planks, beams, roof timbers, slats, planks, etc.)
- Asphalt pavement with tessellation and asphalt tiles in many designs (rectangular, circular, etc.) and many colors (tile, green, gray, etc.)
- Roman, Dutch, French, Byzantine tiles in colors (red, beige, white, brown, etc.)
- Cement tiles in many colors, with great resistance to the ice of the mountainous regions (with a written guarantee)
- Glazed Roman tiles of Chalkida Vavouliotis in many shades with great durability
- Swedish rafter lining for roofs and ceilings in many designs, such as Scottish design, traditional design, ceiling design, floor-ceiling double-ceiling, etc.
- Plasterboards simple, anthrig, fire resistant, perforated etc
- Metal frame for placing plasterboard, cement board, etc., such as perimeter guide, main guide-ceiling channel, corner caps, sleepers, uprights, etc.
- Boards for external use (fiberboards - glass boards), cement boards, OSB, marine plywood, melamine, etc.
- All the necessary metal components for roofs, such as joists, bases, angles, blades, connectors, headers, screws, grommets, torx wood screws, etc.
- Ecological plastic paints STATUS for internal use in houses as well as 100% acrylic and elastomeric paints for use on external walls etc.
- Water and solvent ripolins, varnish colors, tint colors for wood and metals Wood preservatives, impregnation varnishes, marine varnishes, BONDEX wood preservation and protection products, etc.
- Swedish, Finnish, Russian planed timber for visible roofs, canopies, loggias and ceilings up to 6 meters long, in many cross-sections
- Composite wood in large sections and up to 13 meters in length
- Insulating spreadable PU polyurethanes, hybrids, elastomers, acrylics, etc.
- Self-adhesive waterproofing tapes in a width of 10cm 15cm 20cm 30cm 60cm 90cm in rolls in the color of tile, aluminum, etc.
- Flexible aluminum in rolls of width 50cm 60cm 75cm etc., as well as rolls of sheet metal width 50cm 60cm 100mm 1.25mm suitable for gutters, drains, gutters etc.
- Heavy-duty aluminum gutters, horizontal and vertical, ready-to-deliver in many lengths. Also, all the necessary gutter accessories, such as corners, ends, supports, etc. They are available in a wide variety of colors (white, tile, brown, green, beige, etc.)
- Trapezoidal ceiling panels in a thickness of 3cm 4cm 5cm cut to the lengths you want, in a variety of colors (tile, beige, grey, etc.)
- Roman ceiling tile panels, in many lengths and colors
- Siding panels (masonry) in a thickness of 3cm 4cm 5cm 6cm etc. in exactly the lengths desired by the customer
- Trapezoidal and corrugated galvanized sheets as well as colored. Also, sheet metal in the form of Roman tiles, French tiles, etc.

Do not hesitate, for any information you need, tocontact us.