REDWOOD Scandinavian pine wood.

The stable and reliable European choice.

Many things can be written about the North European pine wood, known to everyoneSwedish lumber. The pine (red wood) of Sweden, Finland and Russia, has been for many years, the wood that has been used in very large quantities in all kinds of construction and is completely established in the Greek market.

Scandinavian pine wood (Swedish wood) has a lotgood price-quality ratio. It is wood with an economical price, while the quality and durability it offers is particularly good. These data have established Scandinavian pine wood (that is, the so-called Swedish wood) for many decades infirst classof consumer preference in the Greek market as well.

THEredwoodαποτελεί μια από τις πιο συμφέρουσες οικονομικά λύσεις και την δημοφιλέστερη επιλογή για πολλές ξύλινες κατασκευές τόσο στη χώρα μας όσο και στις υπόλοιπες χώρες της Μεσογείου. Η κατανάλωση της ξυλείας πεύκης ερυθράς Σκανδιναβίας, ξεπερνάει κατά πολύ τις καταναλώσεις πολλών άλλων ειδών πριστής ξυλείας, που μπορούν εναλλακτικά να χρησιμοποιηθούν στις ίδιες κατασκευές.

ξυλεία πεύκης καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ Αϊγιο, Ακράτα, Πάτρα

Undoubtedly, in the Mediterranean climate, the success of the Scandinavian red pine (Swedish wood) is that it exhibits very good behavior and a long life in various constructions.

The uses of red pine wood

Especially in the interior spaces, for many decades, they are made from Scandinavian (red) pine wood:

  • frames
  • solid wood doors and pressers
  • windows of various types and balcony doors
  • handrails, railings, internal stairs, treads and rails
  • coffered ceilings and traditional ceilings
  • rabbet wall coverings
  • furniture (tables, beds, chairs, etc.) the well-known Scandinavian furniture
  • floors and double-sided floors (floor - ceiling)
  • sills, ceiling corners, slats of various types
  • frames, fronts, plasterboards, right angles, joint covers, etc.
  • exposed planed timber for rafters
  • roof constructions - pergolas - loggias, terraces, etc
  • fences - gates etc

Its significant advantageScandinavian red pine wood (REDWOOD)is among others andthe very wide variety of cross-sections in many lengths that we have in every dimensionready for delivery to our company. We have the ability to respond to every demand for Nordic red pine lumber, satisfying the needs and demands of consumers.

   Η άριστη ξήρανση σε στεγνωτήρια, η μεγάλη ποικιλία σε μήκη, η άριστη συσκευασία καθώς και η αξιόπιστη ποιοτική διαβάθμισή της, εξυπηρετεί τους κατασκευαστές σε πληθώρα κατασκευών. Τα αυστηρά ποιοτικά κριτήρια διαβάθμισης των ποιοτήτων της ξυλείας, τουλάχιστον σε 3 βασικές κατηγορίες, τόσο στην σουηδική και φιλανδική pine woodas in Russian pine timber is a very serious advantage.

This strict quality grading enables the customer to purchase and select the quality grade they desire, in order to use it in the job they want to make.

ξυλεία πεύκης Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ Ακράτα, Κορινθία, Ξυλόκαστρο

Of course, depending on the quality of the wood that the customer chooses, the price per cubic meter for the wood that will be needed also depends.

Of particular importance for the preservation of the quality of the Scandinavian red pine wood, despite the fact that from its production factories, it has excellent packaging, its storage takes place in covered storage areas.

In our business,all timber and wood products are stored in excellent conditions, with care, in closed covered storage areas, thus ensuring the quality and durability of the timber, enabling an optimal quality result, naturally adapted to the wishes of consumers.

The storage of timber in the countryside, either short-term or long-term,degrades her physical condition, several times alters her appearance andit definitely destroys her stamina και κατά συνέπεια απομειώνει την αξία της. Στο θέμα της σωστής αποθήκευσης της ξυλείας, ο καταναλωτής πρέπει να είναι αυστηρός και να δίνει μεγάλη σημασία, πριν αποφασίσει ποια ξυλεία θα αγοράσει, να δει από κοντά αν γίνεται την επιχείρηση από την οποία θα την αγοράσει και να πληροφορηθεί που is storedthe timber they offer him.

In other words, the buyer must take into account many othersserious ones factorsas we mentioned above, in addition to the price they offer him, for the purchase of the timber he needs. A degraded and damaged timber from moisture, due to its outdoor storage,it is ultimately unsuitable for most serious uses and for these reasons is always cheaper.

The Scandinavian red pine timber (Swedish lumber) is easily planed, sanded successfully and offers an excellent and very smooth surface. It is wood that is easily cut, screwed and nailed without difficulty, painted successfully, does not create problems with welding and drilling. It is a fairly stable wood.

    The preservation of Swedish timber,whether it is planed or smoothed, both for internal use and for external use, it should be done carefully and at regular intervals. Our company haswide variety of ecological impregnation varnishes, water and solvent wood preservatives and wood varnishes, as well as all the products of the industry leading wood protection and preservation productsVONDEX Denmark.

ξυλεία πεύκης

Benches are produced from Scandinavian pine woodpanelof welded timber (FINGER JOINTING). That is, panelscounters- surfaceswhich are welded in length and pressed in width.

    The panelscomposite welded Scandinavian pine benches are available in 20mm thickness. 23 mm 30 mm 40 mm in width 0.64 and 0.80 mm and usually 4.00 m long. and rarely 6.00 m.The Swedish panels are ready for delivery in our company

and are usually used:

in furniture such as desk tops, furniture shelves, benches, etc
in domestic use such as internal stair treads and railings, kitchen counters, countertops, work surfaces, etc
in professional use such as workbenches, merchandise display shelves, tables, benches, benches, stands, etc.

Also fromScandinavian pine timber(Swedish wood) composite woods are produced for visible roofs, canopies, terraces, pergolas etc. in many cross-sections, in large and reinforced cross-sections and in long lengths usually up to 13 meters.

The impregnated pine wood

Swedish wood (Scandinavian pine) is impregnated in special furnaces. Byimpregnation, greater strengths of the timber are achieved. In timber that is to be used in permanent outdoor use, usually theimpregnated Swedish lumberbecause it has an increased lifespan.

Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ ξυλεία πεύκης Αίγιο, Πάτρα, Αλράτα

Usually impregnated pine wood is used in:

outdoor deck floor
outdoor fencing deck
impregnated logs, equal-thickness lathe bodies, etc
trellises, planters, pergolas, etc
garden fences, garden items etc. which are permanently exposed to the outdoors in all kinds of weather conditions always in outdoor use

Wide variety of productsof impregnated pine wood (σουηδική) υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα στην επιχείρησή μας. Η εμποτισμένη σουηδική ξυλεία, πριν από τη χρησιμοποίησή της, καλό είναι να αποθηκεύεται σε στεγασμένους αποθηκευτικούς χώρους και να παραμένει αποθηκευμένη εκεί για διάστημα περίπου 45 ημερών μετά τον εμποτισμό της και πριν χρησιμοποιηθεί.

After 4 – 5 years of continuous outdoor use, impregnated timber should be preserved with special water preservatives.Our company has all the necessary wood preservatives, which are suitable for impregnated wood, in a wide variety of shades.

The Scandinavian red pine wood is wood with all existing certifications (FSC and PEFC) and comes from controlled forests with responsible management, through sustainable forestry.

Κύλιση στην κορυφή