

The need for building in harmony with the environment and for a more friendly aesthetic and ecological approach, forces the modern residence to includethe roof, roof, canopy or pergolaas an integral part of it.

στέγη, κεραμίδια, ΕΒΕΞ Καραπιπέρης Αίγιο

ORroofit is an extremely versatile product. Deconstructing it, into the multitude of individual products of which it is composed, we can classify its materials into four main categories:

  • Wooden frame: timber of large cross-sections as main structural elements (shears), frames, wooden slats, fillets - veneer, rabbet linings, metopes, frames
  • Waterproofing: bituminous membrane - breathable - reflective
  • Thermal insulation: extruded polystyrene, stone wool, mineral wool
  • Outer coating: tiles, cement tiles, asphalt tiles, metal tile panels
  • Concentration and runoffrainwater: aluminum, copper, plastic gutters

The correct combination of the above materials gives us a complete roof, which meets the specifications of stability - safety, tightness and thermal insulation.

Roof forms

The external form of the roof depends on the architectural structure of the house. The most common roof types are three:

  • Single: it has only one sloping side, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the house
  • Double-edged: it has two sloping sides, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the house, which are joined at the top by gables
  • Tetrarichti: it has four sloping sides, which are either joined with vertices parallel to the longitudinal axis of the house, or at a unique top point forming a pyramid

The internal form of the roof is determined by the architectural configuration of the interior spaces and the interior decoration and is divided into a roof with a visible frame and a roof with an invisible frame:

  • Visible skeleton: συναντάται σε σοφίτες, αλλά και σε οικίες με πιο παραδοσιακή ή ρετρό αισθητική. Η ξυλεία μεγάλων διατομών που χρησιμοποιείται είναι καλής ποιότητας, λεία και αψεγάδιαστη, με επένδυση ραμποτέ διαφόρων σχεδίων, και κορνίζες στο τελείωμα στην τοιχοποιία. Τα τελευταία χρόνια είναι διαδεδομένη η κατασκευή εμφανούς σκεπής με ακατέργαστα ξύλα και τάβλες με τραχιά επιφάνεια, στα πλαίσια της «βιομηχανικής» αισθητικής.
  • Inconspicuous skeleton: σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις ο σκελετός της στέγης καλύπτεται πλήρως από ψευδοροφή με υλικά ξηράς δόμησης (γυψοσανίδες, πλάκες ορυκτών ινών) ή από επένδυση ραμποτέ (ως ταβάνι και όχι ως πέτσωμα όπως σε μια εμφανή στέγη). Εναλλακτικά σε μία  μη εμφανή στέγη, μπορούν να μείνουν ακάλυπτα τα ξύλινα ψαλίδια, δίνοντας μια διαφορετική αισθητική προσέγγιση.

είδη στέγης ΕΒΕΞ Καραπιπέρης Αίγιο

EBEX Karapiperis and roof

The roof dominates the construction field throughout time, as one of the most important architectural elements of the house, offering high aesthetics and unparalleled durability over time.

In the field ofthermal insulation, using the appropriate thermal insulation materials, the roof drastically upgrades the energy profile of the house, offering energy savings of up to 50%, while in the field ofwaterproofingmanages to provide answers to all possible moisture problems that arise.

A roof with correct slopes (minimum desired slope 20%) contributes to the effective drainage of rainwater, does not retain moisture and with the use of special membranes prevents any leakage inside the roof and by extension the house.

OREBEX PEPPERhaving the part of the roof as one of the main axes of its activities and accumulating knowledge and experience of many years, it achieves the best possible quality-price ratio for the overall product.

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