

Thedoorsare importantbuilding elementand configuration of interior and exterior spaces, combining aesthetics, security and discretion.

πόρτες καραπιπέρης αίγιάλεια


  • Form: internal doors can be openable (opening to the right or left), sliding external or internal – recessed in the masonry – and split (with a hinge in the middle of the door for a smaller opening radius).
  • Casing - slats: the door frame can be oval-shaped or straight as well as the sills. On the window sills we can choose a narrow or wide line according to our preferences.
  • Investmentslaminate: latest generation CPL or PVC synthetic films, with realistic rendering of wood texture, in many color proposals. Additional decorative aluminum elements can be installed.
  • Wood investments: lining made of natural or artificial wood veneer (oak, anegre, beech, despotaki) which is painted in the desired shade. Possibility of choosing a pantograph design.


  • Casing - sills:plywood casement and plywood sills, welded with polyurethane glue
  • Door:consists of 7mm thick MDF sheets on both sides, filled with a stabilizing honeycomb core and solid wood perimeter frame. The sides of the door are lined with a film similar to the surface
  • Equipment:the doors are equipped with three (3) double adjustable hinges (in inox or bronze finish) and with a lock – choice of simple internal lock, belly button or trident.
  • Equipment – ​​peripherally sliding:external and recessed sliding door mechanisms, sliding lock, mechanism cover lined with film or wood veneer and solid wood sliding column.

Quality features in Doors

  • Moisture resistance:the extensive use of wood and plywood, around the perimeter of the door and on the frame, glued with waterproof polyurethane adhesives, gives the door increased resistance to moisture and wear over time
  • Soundproofing:η δυνατότητα χρησιμοποίησης ορυκτοβάμβακα, πετροβάμβακα και άλλων υλικών στο εσωτερικό της πόρτας – αντί χαρτοκυψέλης – ανεβάζει κατακόρυφα το συντελεστή της ηχομονωτικής της απόδοσης. Η ηχομόνωση μεταξύ των διαφορετικών χώρων του σπιτιού, είναι πολύ σημαντική στην καθημερινή μας διαβίωση
  • Security:οι εσωτερικές πόρτες μπορούν να εξοπλισθούν με κλειδαριά αφαλού και κλειδαριά τύπου τρίαινας (με πύρους), για αυξημένη ασφάλεια εντός της οικίας. Για την είσοδο του σπιτιού, υπάρχει η επιλογή της θωρακισμένης πόρτας με συνδυασμό επενδύσεων από αλουμίνιο, γυαλί, καπλαμά ξύλου και laminate, επιλογή μονής ή διπλής θωράκισης, με κάσωμα από ενισχυμένους κοιλοδοκούς και κλειδαριές συνδυασμού, αφαλού, αφαλού τύπου καταπέλτη, ηλεκτρονικές.

In the door sector, we work exclusively with Greek companies, providing you with products that are entirely manufactured in Greece.

This enables us to execute your order in the desired dimensions and with the finish of your choice (wood paneled doors), with products accompanied by top quality features.

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