Construction - Building Materials

Construction - Building Materials

With many years of experience and the required know-how, our company provides a wide range of building materials, covering the entire spectrum related tobuildingin new and existing buildings (renovation)and additionally proposes solutions for the finishing and coating of interior and exterior surfaces (forged cement).

παραμπετόν ytong


The building blockYTONG (aerated concrete)it is used as a masonry construction material, either as load-bearing masonry, or as filling masonry. The advantages it gathers are: reduced weight, stable dimensions, anti-seismic properties and excellent heat-insulating and sound-insulating performance of the material.

The dry building materials – plasterboards (fire-resistant, waterproof), cement boards, boards for external use, mineral fiber boards – provide solutions for a multitude of applications in the house. The construction of roofs, partitions, suspended ceilings is done easily and quickly at a low cost.

 Repair – Restoration

Τα κτίσματα συχνά παρουσιάζουν διάφορα προβλήματα, τα οποία οφείλονται είτε στην παλαιότητα της κατασκευής (φυσιολογική φθορά με την πάροδο των ετών), είτε σε επιμέρους κακοτεχνίες, είτε σε αστοχία υλικών. Τα προβλήματα αυτά αποκαθίστανται με μεμονωμένες επισκευές. Σε περίπτωση εκτεταμένων φθορών και προβλημάτων κρίνεται αναγκαία η συνολικήrenovationof the building.

our companyprovides solutions for all the applications required for the repair and restoration of the building:

  • Corroded armor: corrosion protection system, high strength repair mortars
  • Extensive cracks and damage to plaster and masonry: polyurethane joint sealants, quick-setting repair plasters, resin cement putties
  • Damage to the bearing body: injectable epoxy resins, quick-setting repair resinous mortars

Gluing – Grouting

Within therenovationwe provide a full range of tile adhesives (acrylic, resin, superelastic) and special applications (epoxy, fireproof) produced byGreek quartz sandand cover all the categories of the European standards, accompanied by the appropriate grouts (plain – porcelain texture – epoxy).

Coating – Surface Finishing

Points of reference in our proposals for building coatings are ready-made final layer plasters based onquartz sandor marble and finishespaste coatings (used inthermal facade)acrylics and silicones.

Thepressed cement systemshave now won the trust of decoratorsand architects, as the ideal coating for a multitude of surfaces, interior and exterior. They consist of a special combination of cement with resins in liquid form. With a thickness of up to 5mm, which is applied on almost all existing surfaces, it is an ideal choice forrenovation works.The high aesthetics - with surfaces free of joints -, the high resistance of the material to impact and abrasions and its excellent resistance to extreme weather conditions, make pressed cement mortar a complete proposal in the design of interior and exterior spaces.

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