Forged cement. The earthly choice

11 topical questions with their answers.

OR forged cement, in recent years, is constantly gaining ground and is applied to both renovations and new constructions. The widespread use of pressed cement mortar is due to the fact that it is chosen, not only in shops and business premises, but also in many residences.

OR forged cementit is now the favorite material of many architects and decorators. It is considered the most ideal coating for any surface, both indoors and outdoors.

Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ τσιμεντοκονία Κόρινθος, Δερβένι, Ακράτα

Pressed cement mortar is a material that combines and bonds harmoniously with many other materials such as wood, stone, metal, glass, etc. The surfaces created by pressed cement mortar are continuous and have no joints. The surfaces withforged cementthey give a sense of calm and rest, due to the mixture of natural materials that make it up.

The horizontal and vertical surfaces that are created offer an elegant and at the same time simple environment with strong dynamism and high mechanical strength. THEpressed cement mortar is based on architectural traditionour country. Historically it had been used in constructions, both on the islands and in mainland Greece, many years ago. It is applied to any space, either internally or externally, and provides surface tightness as wellwater does not penetrate it.

Τα γήινα χρώματα, οι μεγάλες επιφάνειες και η ομορφιά του υλικού με τις λεπτομέρειές της, προσδίδουν ανάλαφρη και μίνιμαλ διακόσμηση, που είναι ιδιαίτερα αγαπητή σαν επιλογή. Η εφαρμογή της πατητής τσιμεντοκονίας, τόσο σε τοίχους όσο και σε δάπεδα, συνδυάζει την αισθητική με την αντοχή. Οι χώροι που εφαρμόζεται, εκφράζουν το γούστο του ιδιοκτήτη,τόσο όσο αφορά το υλικό και το χρώμα, όσο επίσης την υφή και την ομοιογένεια.

Οι απλές γραμμές με φωτεινά χρώματα, η ενιαία εικόνα με τους αρμονικούς συνδυασμούς, προσφέρουν λειτουργικότητα, καλαισθησία και σύγχρονο design, δημιουργώντας χώρους με ιδιαίτερο στυλ και ταυτότητα. Η πατητή τσιμεντοκονία καθαρίζεται εύκολα και είναι ανθεκτική ακόμα και στους πιο σκληρούς χημικούς παράγοντες.

The answers to everything you might want to ask about pressed cement mortar.

ER. What are the areas where pressed cement mortar can be placed?

APThe main areas where pressed cement mortar can be placed are:

retail stores and malls
trendy restaurants, coffee bars and general dining areas
offices and workplaces
exhibition spaces inside them, as well as outside in their surroundings
in residences in all their spaces, both internally and externally

ER. What cement mortar systems are there?

APOur company has all the pressed cement mortar systems of THRACE. The available systems are:

1-component pressed cement mortarDECOR FINE PLUS (1K)
“ “ 2 componentsDECOR(2K) A + B
“ “ 3 ingredientsSUPERIOR (3K)epoxy

Its press systemsΘΡΑΚΩΝthey are quality established and testedsystemsfor many years. THRAKON pressed cement mortar systems are suitable for creating colored decorative surfaces. Even the traditional style of the Cyclades is created, with the formation of water and texture.

It is applied at a thickness of 2-3 mm on any surfacecompactsubstrate. First, the substrate is primed with the corresponding special primer and necessarily during the application of the press, the appropriate anti-alkali glass mesh clima plus 160gr is used which strengthens and improves the strength of the mortar.

Πατητή τσιμεντοκονία Ακράτα Διακοπτό Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ

ER. On which surfaces can pressed cement mortar be applied?

APApplies to:

horizontal and vertical surfaces (floors and walls) of indoor and outdoor spaces
on surfaces made of concrete, plaster, gypsum boards, glass boards, cement boards as well as on many other substrates
on worn or old floors that were made of tiles, marbles, marbles, mosaics, etc.
on walls that have been painted or had tiles installed etc

ER. Where can we apply pressed cement mortar?

APPressable cement mortar we can apply:

on walls of any material
on floors laid with any material
on bathroom and WC counters, walls and floors
in showers and bathtubs
in swimming pools and their surroundings
in planters
in furniture
on stairs, terraces, yards, etc
on floors with underfloor heating
on metal surfaces
in fireplaces

ER. What shade can we give the pressed cement mortar?

APThere are hundreds of shades to choose fromfor coloring pressed cement mortar. In our company's dyeing machine, we dye the color chosen by our customer.

a) For pressed cement mortarDECOR (2 K) 2 components (A + B). We prepare in liquid form a 250ml container with the special DECOR ART pigment, which must be added to the mixture of the press materials and is used to color the 2-component (A+B) DECOR press system, that is, when mixing component A (25kg bag) with component B (5kg container).

b) For pressed cement mortar1 component (1K) DECOR FINE PLUS,which is available in 5kg and 15kg containerspaste form. In the DECOR FINE PLUS press, the containers are colored in the color chosen by the customer directly, in the coloring machine of our company. The customer selects the shade of their choice from more than 500 different shades.

The colors in the THRACE pressed cement mortar systems can be mixed or diluted.

Πατητή τσιμεντοκονία σε σκάλες Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ Αίγιο Πάτρα

ER. Which primer is considered the best, in order to pass the surface of the substrate, before the application of pressed cement mortar?

APTo the question, what is the most suitable primer for the preparation of the application surface, the answer is that it mainly depends on theabsorptionof the substrate surface. That is:

a)For absorbent surfaces, micronize should be usedhigh penetration primerGLX292FLEX PRIM. It is a primer ideal for the preparation of any new or old porous surface, such as plaster, bricks, concrete, plastered walls, etc.

GLX 292 FLEX PRIM primer createstraction bridges, both for the application of pressed cement mortar and for the application to many other materials (such as acrylic plaster, mortars, paints, spreadable sealants, etc.). It is a primer, suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

b)For non-absorbent surfaces, should be usedquartz primerGLX 190. It is a primer ideal foradhesion enhancementof pressed cement mortar on smooth and low absorbency surfaces, such as mosaics, old tiles, cement boards, metal, wood, marble, natural stones, industrial floors, etc.

The quartz primer consists of synthetic resins and quartz sand of selected grain size, and is suitable for use, both indoors and outdoors.

ER. What are the strengths of pressed cement mortar?

APThe strengths of pressed cement mortar systems are as follows:

The systems of THRACE pressed cement mortar aredurablein all climatic conditions even in extreme ones.
THRACE pressed cement mortar systems withstand impact and abrasion.
They are suitable for floor surfaces with frequent traffic.
The 2-component DECOR series (A + B) is also resistant to solar radiation (UV).
The DECOR 2-component system (25kg bag component A and 5kg container component B) consists of a special combination of cement with special resins in liquid form that are mixed (A+B) by the craftsmen, before their use.
The systemDECOR (2K) 2 componentsA + B) offersincreased endurance.That is why it is the most widespread system in jobs with increased quality requirements.

ER. How is the final surface of pressed cement mortar protected?

APThe most suitable material to protect the final surface of pressed cement mortar is polyurethane2-component varnish(2K) DECOR PU VARNISH, (A+B) which is available in 1kg and 4kg container sets.

The polyurethane varnishDECOR PU VARNISHof THRACE which has excellent aesthetic results and high durability. Mainly used with finished surfacecheckmate, but it is also available with a glossy GLOSS surface. It has great resistance to any external use.

It is a varnish with excellent tightness, high mechanical strength, protection against yellowing, U/V radiation and chemicals.

But pif a more economical solution to protect the final surface, there is also the DECOR PROTECT varnish (glossy GLOSS water-based varnish of one component).

εξωτερικές σκάλες με πατητή τσιμεντοκονία Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ

ER. Before applying the varnish to protect the final surface, is it necessary to use a special primer to stabilize the cement mortar?

APOf course, we must apply the special impregnation primerDECORPRIMof THRAKON which is a penetration primer, in order to achieve the desired stabilization of the cement mortar, before applying the varnish pass (2 coats).

ER. Where can I find all the necessary materials for making pressed cement mortar?

APAll his materialssystem of pressed cement mortar of THRACE, are readily available in our business. All products are stored in closed and covered storage areas.

ER. What should I watch out for?

APIn order to achieve an excellent quality result in the construction of pressed cement mortar, the craftsman you choose to apply it must have experience and a good knowledge of how it is manufactured and must follow the order of application and the specifications of the materials.

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