Glass Bricks - Floor Glass Slabs

καραπιπερης αιγιο υαλότουβλα


There are always immediately available, for the welding of glass blocks, the appropriate adhesives and finishing material for glass blocks, the necessary guides - glass brick building crosses, etc.

Useful tip

When the glass bricks are placed on an external surface that is exposed to weather phenomena - rain - we must add emulsion of latex mortars during the preparation of the adhesive, in order to achieve waterproofing of the joints.

Glass bricks

Glass bricks of dimensions 19X19cm cloud transparent in availability.
Color bricks 19Χ19cm (gray - green - blue - yellow - red - pink etc.) upon order with short delivery
sinnefo mple kinas yalotouvla
sinnefo roz kinas yalotouvla
Transparent glass bricks of special dimensions 9x19cm - 24x24cm - 29.8 × 29.8cm, upon request.
ventiblok roi aera mesa ekso
Ventilation glass bricks transparent 19x19cm cloud upon request

Floor glass

Transparent floor tiles of dimensions 20x20cm, 25x25cm, 30x30cm upon request.
yaloplaka 25x25
υαλόπλακα 20χ20 correct

Metal frames / tilting glass blocks

metaliko plaisio gia 1 yalotoublou 19x19
For a glass brick
metaliko plaisio 2x19
For two glass bricks
metaliko plaisio 4x19
For four glass bricks
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