Fir wood. Continuity

In the second continuation of our article on spruce wood, we will refer to three well-known and used categories of this type of wood.

Dryer sheets

Latakia, as they are usually called, are mainly used in construction and specifically in the construction of wooden forms (construction firs).

Fir trees are of great use and in many waysrepair workmainly on old roofs, like columns, also on fences, in gardens, etc.

Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ Ελατάκια, Αίγιο, άτρα

They are still used in the construction of new roofs, when metal tiles, asphalt tiles, panels, sheets, etc. are installed.

Because of the largeendurance που έχουν τα ελατάκια, γιατί είναι ξύλα που παράγονται από κορμοτεμάχια, χρησιμοποιούνται με επιτυχία σε υποστηλώσεις κτιρίων, στοών, σαν αντηρίδες σε επισκευές στεγάστρων, υποστέγων κλπ, σε ανακαινίσεις κτιρίων κατά την φάση των εργασιών, σαν κόντρες κλπ. Είναι απαραίτητα δηλαδή σε οικοδομικές εργασίες, που απαιτούν woods that are easy to work with, without much weight but with increased strength.

Their usual lengths are from 2.40 m to 4.20 m. The fir trees, which our company has ready for delivery, come fromSweden and Finland. We always use fir treesdryerto avoid warping and browning.

Renovation investments, floors, decks

The fir wood is also available in the form of linings - rafters for ceilings or wall linings, in many thicknesses and designs (such as traditional design, Scotland design, nail design, zeta design, etc.), in a thickness of 12mm, 14mm, 18mm, etc.

Also, there is double-faced floor and ceiling floor (thickness 20 - 22mm - 28mm) for constructions, mainly traditional floors. It is also used on outdoor deck floors in their natural form or impregnated.

Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ Ραμποτέ Πάτρα, Καλάβρυτα

  Σε παραδοσιακά κτίρια χρησιμοποιείται στα ταβάνια, ξυλεία ελάτης σε πλάτος 18- 22 cm για κατασκευή παραδοσιακών ταβανιών με την τοποθέτηση εξωτερικής ταβανόπηχης, η οποία καρφώνεται κατά μήκος των σανίδων σε όλες τις μεταξύ τους ενώσεις. Σε όλα τα προϊόντα αυτά, χρησιμοποιείται ξυλεία ελάτης στεγνωτηρίου.

Pull Austrian fir wood chips

Pulls are onespecialcategory of wood used mainly in roofs and pergolas, especially in traditional settlements. It is pre-sliced ​​wood, which comes from the trunk of the tree, so that the taper of the trunk is followed.

The pulls are available in dimensions 10 X 10cm 12 X 12cm 15 X 15cm 18 X 18cm etc and in lengths of 3.00m up to 12.00m. The wood chipper pull isirregular timberwith fairly semi-round ends and taper. That is, each piece is not of equal thickness and equal width along its entire length, as is the case with sawn timber, but there isdifferentthickness and width in each piece between the twoedges of it. The degree of taper varies from 0-2 to 0-5 ( mm per m length).

Beams can also be used as visible timber on traditional roofs (after carefully treating them beforehand), as well as pergolas, and generally in outdoor uses, i.e. as traditional handrails, fences, etc.

Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ, Τράβα πελεκητά Κόρινθοσ, Διακοπτό

   Τράβα πελεκητά έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί στη χώρα μας πάνω από δύο αιώνες σε πολλές στέγες κτιρίων. Τράβα είχαν χρησιμοποιηθεί από παλιά γιατί ήταν τα μόνα χονδρά ξύλα που υπήρχαν τότε σε μεγάλα μήκη (έως 12 μέτρα). Τέτοια κτίρια υπάρχουν από τους προηγούμενους αιώνες, τόσο στην Ηπειρωτική Ελλάδα όσο και στα νησιά. Τα τράβα τα συναντάμε σε στέγες, τόσο σε πόλεις όσο και σε οικισμούς.

   The original is very importantwood maintenance, as well as the regular maintenance of every wooden structure with the appropriate preservatives, impregnation varnishes, etc. In addition to the decoration and the excellent appearance they give to the wood, at the same timeextend their life span and endurance.

In our businesswe have all kinds of water and solvent wood preservatives,colored and transparentimpregnation varnishes, ecological wood varnishes, marine varnishes, etc., as well as all its wood protection and maintenance productsDENMARK BONDEX.

BONDEX has specialized insuccessful maintenanceany type and form of timber, whether for internal or external use. They are particularly effective in preserving wood,both in coastal and mountainous areas.

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