External thermal insulation (thermal facade), a practical guide.

εξωτερική θερμομόνωση - θερμοπρόσωψη Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ, Αίγιο, Ακράτα, Αχαΐα, Κορινθία

Is external thermal insulation a luxury or a necessity?

Appearance or substantial insulation?

Fashion or timeless utility?

In many such questions we can discuss with conflicting arguments, with friends, architects, craftsmen, etc. But with few substantial and clear arguments, we are clearin favor of the construction of an external thermal facade, either in old buildings or in new constructions.

Let's discover together the reasons.

A) External thermal insulation in old buildings

The main problem in old buildings throughout Greece is that the majority of them are completely uninsulated.

Σε ορισμένα κτίρια είχε χρησιμοποιηθεί διογκωμένη πολυστερίνη, “φελιζόλ” πολύ χαμηλής ποιότητας, στο διάκενο ανάμεσα στα τούβλα, της εξωτερικής διπλής τοιχοποιίας. Το φελιζόλ αυτό εξ αρχής παρείχε πολύ μικρή θερμομόνωση, ενώ με την πάροδο του χρόνου η θερμομονωτική ικανότητά του είχε σχεδόν μηδενιστεί.

So essentially it was as if there was no insulation at all on the exterior walls.

Unfortunately in most buildings the columns and beams are completely without any insulation. In the province after the year 2000 they slowly started to use in some buildingsXPS extruded polystyrenein the gap of the external masonry (ie between the bricks). XPS extruded polystyrene has very good thermal insulation properties.

But they rarely placed on the columns and beams outside,extruded polystyrene XPS (FIBRAN κλπ), με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχουν θερμογέφυρες, γιατί τα δοκάρια και οι κολώνες ήταν γυμνά, χωρίς καμία μόνωση. Αυτό είχε σαν αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχουν μεγάλες απώλειες θερμότητας  και στο σπίτι εσωτερικά να δημιουργείται μούχλα και υγρασία στις γωνίες, στα ταβάνια και σε πολλά άλλα σημεία του σπιτιού.

All these problems are solved by constructionexternal thermal insulation.

B) External thermal facade in old and new buildings

In addition to the above, we should not ignore the additional advantages provided by external thermal insulation, both in old and new buildings.

εξωτερική θερμομόνωση thermoprosopsi karapiperis axaia korinthia

Advantages provided by external thermal insulation:

1. The most serious energy saving.

In the winter with the great economy in heating and in the summer with the least expense for air conditioning.

This is a result of external thermal insulation. The economy we have in the energy we consume, quickly amortizes the expense for the construction of the thermal facade (approximately 4-8 years, depending on the area).

Besides, theexternal insulationit is an eligible expense from the ECOICONOMO KAT OIKON programs and is subsidized.

The construction of external thermal insulation is essential for buildings located in coastal and lowland areas.

But it is necessary in buildings located in semi-mountainous and mountainous areas, where the climatic conditions, especially in the winter months, are unfavorable (it is especially very cold for long periods of time).

Energy saving, with a reliable systemexternal thermal insulationAs theCLIMAPLUS by THRACON, approaches 60% on average.

External thermal insulation creates a protective envelope in the building, which reduces the transmission of heat, from and to its interior.

In winter it reduces the rate at which heat is lost from the building, while in summer it reduces the rate at which heat flows into it.

So since the thermal losses of the building are reduced, the energy that we have to consume for heating and cooling is also reduced at the same time.

2) With theexternalthermal insulation protects the building (load-bearing structure) and creates waterproofing on its facades.While at the same time cracks in the plaster are avoided.

3) Hconstructionexternal thermal insulation gives added value to the building while also ensuring an energy identity certificate.

4) It is the best solution for the restoration and thermal insulation of old buildings.

5) During the construction of the external thermal insulation, if we use colored paste-plaster (DEC 428 POLYPLAST of THRACE) in the final coat, we avoid painting the building.

This is done because we can choose from thousands of shades and our building will be delivered, painted in the color of our choice due to the use of colored plaster (paste) THRACE.


This way we avoid the expense of buying paint etc. painting materials, oil painter's fee, additional expense for scaffolding etc.

C) External thermal insulation in new buildings

External thermal insulation in new buildings is an ideal solution as it ensures all the advantages mentioned in chapter B (old and new buildings).

We also have to take into account the following, which is now done in many cases of building construction:

1) If the external walls are built with brick, there is the possibility to build a slab of the brick - a single wall (for financial reasons only) and then do the external thermal insulation.

Φυσικά η ορθή λύση είναι να κτισθεί ο εξωτερικός τοίχος με διπλό τούβλο, ή με τουβλίνες κλπ. Στις περιπτώσεις όμως αυτές, κατά την κατασκευή της θερμοπρόσοψης, απαραίτητα να χρησιμοποιηθεί πιο μεγάλο πάχος ή ειδικού τύπου διογκωμένη πολυστερίνη (γραφιτούχα κλπ ) έτσι ώστε να έχουμε την επιθυμητή, ή την επιβεβλημένη από την μελέτη θερμομόνωση.

2) If the external walls are built with YTONG BLOCKS, there is an overall very serious saving in the cost of construction (single construction) and internal coatings (plastering).

Cost savings occur in materials and labor, while at the same time there is a reduction in the cost of building the external thermal insulation. This is because YTONG is a material that clearly provides greater thermal insulation than bricks and tiles.

This advantage ofYTONGcreates a saving of the total cost in the construction of the external thermal insulation, due to the smaller thickness and cheaper quality of the polystyrene to be used (lighter type).

Besides, we should not ignore the fact that theYTONGit has much better behavior and greater resistance to earthquakes, compared to brick, etc. Another thingadvantage of YTONGis that they also offer fire safety. It is important that its fire resistance indexYTONG BLOCKreaches 6 hours.

YTONG 3 karapiperis aigio axaia
YTONG karapiperis aigio axaia

It is worth noting that YTONGs provide ease and speed in their construction, as well as low weight (120 kg per square meter for masonry with 20cm thick YTONG BLOCK). A corresponding double conventional masonry with brick, has a weight of over 360 kg per square meter (about three times the weight).

YTONGs are also environmentally friendly with winter-summer bioclimatic comfort and soundproofing. This is a serious advantage for both exterior and interior walls.

Το αναφέρουμε γιατί υπάρχει η δυνατότητα χρησιμοποίησης των YTONG και σε εσωτερικούς τοίχους. Η ηχομόνωση που παρέχουν τα YTONG (αναλόγως του πάχους που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί) είναι σημαντικό πλεονέκτημα και για την εσωτερική τοιχοποιία (χωρίσματα μεταξύ δωματίων, ενδιάμεσος τοίχος μεταξύ διαμερισμάτων κλπ).

Another notable advantage is that they can be usedready plasters of THRACE, resulting in cost and construction time savings.

Ready-made THRACIAN plasters can be used in general both on the interior masonry and on the inner side of the exterior walls. A thermal facade has been constructed on the outer side of the walls.

YTONG is the largest manufacturing companyaerated concrete (YTONG MPLOCK)in the world and the only industry that exists in Greece and produces such a product.

All other aerated concrete products (BLOCKS) that are sold under various names on the Greek market are usually imported from Turkey etc.

Instead of an epilogue

In summary, in new constructions, it is now common tothe walls are built with YTONG BLOCKSand to be manufacturedexternal thermal insulation of the building with the CLIMA PLUS system of THRACE.

This is a very good combination for a modern and effectively insulated construction of a new building, with the many advantages mentioned above.

Moreover, our European and international experience shows that they have been used continuously for many years,the external systemsthermal insulation, since they have only positive results and advantagesto demonstrate, in relation to other ways of insulating buildings.

You can easily see on our site in detailall products and materials of the external thermal insulation system THRACE CLIMA PLUS,ofof ready-made plasters - plasters THRACEas well as ofYTONG BLOCK.

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