Wood despot. Timeless beauty

Dense forests withwood despot( ash) are found over large areas in the Eastern US and Canada. Large forests with despotaki exist both in the Northern States of the USA (Northern ash) and in the Southern States of the USA (Southern ash).

Thedespotaki treesthey reach a height of up to 20 meters and a diameter of up to 80cm. Many despotic forests also exist on the European continent (Serbia, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, England, Russia, Ukraine, etc.). Thedespotalso calledhoney, melia or fraxos. Both the American despot and the European despotthey look almost the same, many times they have similar water and texture as well as almost identical color shades (from light white to light brown – yellow – gray) with beautiful lips.

δέντρο δεσποτάκι στο φυσικό του χώρο | ΕΒΕΞ καραπιπέρης

We must take into account, that thedespotaki of the southernmost regions is clearly lighter in colorand with somewhat different waters compared to the despot that comes from the northern regions, which isintensely grayish brown. A typical example of despotaki wood of European origin isbig color differencethat exists between her despotSerbia, Bosnia, Sloveniaetc., which are very light-colored woods compared to the despotaki that comes fromRomania, Ukraine and Russia, which are woods that are darker and with intense brown shades.

Importantadvantage for which, among many others, despotaki wood is preferred, excepthis timeless beautiful appearance, its easy processing is recommended, as it is a wood that is relatively easy to work with, can be painted and varnished successfully and dried in a dryer without much difficulty.

Due to its special waters, its texture and its pores, the despotaki lends itself to many special dyes such as decoupage etc. Dyes that highlight the despotaki and give it excellent aesthetic results.

ξυλεία δεσποτάκι Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ Αίγιο Πάτρα Κόρινθος Ακράτα

   Πολύ σημαντικό ρόλο, για τα ξύλα δεσποτάκι που πρόκειται να δουλευτούν άμεσα από τον καταναλωτή, είναι να χρησιμοποιηθούν ξύλα στεγνωτηρίου, που βρίσκονται αποθηκευμένα σε στεγασμένους και κλειστούς αποθηκευτικούς χώρους, έτσι ώστε να μην επηρεάζονται και να μη προσλαμβάνουν αυξημένη υγρασία. Η proper storage ensures better results in the final productand extra stability in their processing. In our business we attach great importance to the careful and careful storage of our timber in covered closed storage areas.

   Το δεσποτάκι θεωρείται σκληρό ξύλο (hardwood) με βάρος στεγνό περίπου 600 – 700 kg/μ3, ανάλογα με την περιοχή προέλευσής του. Συνήθως, είναι ξύλο με φαρδιά νερά (φαρδύβενα) αλλά υπάρχουν και πλάκες με ίσια νερά (ισόβενα). Το δεσποτάκι έχει καλή αντοχή, και σαν ξύλο, μοιάζει αρκετά με το δρυς. Είναι ξύλο με καλές μηχανικές ιδιότητες, που βιδώνεται, κολλιέται, καρφώνεται και πλανίζεται  πολύ καλά.

There is a despottumble dryer availablein thicknesses from 2.5cm (board) to wood - slabs 5cm, 8cm etc., in a wide variety of lengths and in many wide widths (with wide slabs).

Despotaki is used in many carpentry works (interior frames), in kitchen cabinets, in room wardrobes, in furniture, libraries, offices and in general in furniture, carpentry and interior decoration work. They are produced by a despotsolid floors and semi-solid polished floorsetc.

As a wood, the despotaki gives manufacturers the possibility to create many special and elegant constructions both in furniture and wall and ceiling coverings, as well as in all kinds of interior decoration work. Iswood suitablefor successful use and good results inresidences, as well as instoresand othersbusiness premises. It is wood that is often chosen in special constructions by architects.

OR successful paintof, highlights herits excellent appearance and texture, highlighting among others its special waters.

Μασίφ ξυλεία δεσποτάκι Καραπιπέρης ΕΒΕΞ Ακράτα, Διακοπτό, Ξυλόκαστρο

The natural despotaki veneer that is widely used is also produced from solid despotaki wood. The despotaki veneer is welded (with a special glue) and glued onto surfaces such as MDF class E 1 and chipboard - novopan, as well as plywood.

Έτσι, παράγονται σε φύλλα διαφόρων διαστάσεων οι επιφάνειες που είναι επενδεδυμένες με καπλαμά δεσποτάκι. Οι επενδεδυμένες επιφάνειες με καπλαμά δεσποτάκι, χρησιμοποιούνται ευρέως σε πορτάκια κουζίνας και ντουλάπας, εσωτερικές επενδύσεις, βιβλιοθήκες, επιπλοποιία κλπ. εσωτερικές χρήσεις.

The dimensions of the MDF coated with despotaki veneer are 220 X 185 305 X 122 305 X 185 and the usual thicknesses used are 4mm. – 7 thousand – 9 thousand – 17 thousand – 20 thousand – 26mm – 31 thousand etc.

The novopans lined with despotaki veneer, usually have a dimension of 305 X 183 in various thicknesses.

Our company with the long experience it has in Mrany type of solid wood, can offer you solid wood despotaki dryer of excellent quality as well as selected MDF and novopan surfaces lined with extra quality despotaki veneer.

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